Hi everyone,

It was a particularly busy week in the world of blockchain games, but before jumping into the latest headlines make sure to read our new essay on XYZ. As a reminder, you can read the full update in our research portal, or you can skim through the weekly highlights here in your inbox. <Read More button>Also, please note that our upcoming deconstruction of Splinterlands will come out next week, so stay tuned for that. Let’s dive in…

Top News

<2-3 of the week's most important topics with 1-2 short paragraphs of explanation>

ABC Launches

<1-2 short paragraphs of what happened, why it matters, and why it’s interesting>

XYZ Raises $$

<1-2 short paragraphs of what happened, why it matters, and why it’s interesting>

Game Announcements

Funding Announcements